年末年始24/12/30(月)~25/01/03(金)の診療時間について。渋谷ウエストクリニックは年中無休です。直接ご来院、オンライン診療どちらもご利用できます。オンライン診療の新規登録は24時間受付。オンライン診療は 平日、土日祝に関わらず11時~19時の時間帯にご予約下さい。
Clinic hours during the New Year holidays
Notice of online consultation hours :from Mon.12/30/24 to Fri.1/3/25 . Shibuya West Clinic is open every day as usual, including new year holidays.
Open all day of the week 11AM to 19PM. Please come visit us directly or online. New registrations and making appointments for online consultations are accepted 24 hrs a day. *Online consultation hours :from 11AM-19PM all day of the week.
・ Click here for new registration
・ Click here for login (appointment for consultation)